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About the company

The POLON – POZNAŃ Spółka z o.o. plant has been manufacturing laboratory equipment and furniture for more than 40 years. Long-standing co-operation with customers enables us to recognise their needs and take effective actions to meet them.

The knowledge and experience in designing and manufacturing, as well as  a group of experts who are continuously improving their skills, allowed us to prepare a wide range of products:
  • Laminar air flow chambers, including chambers for work with cytostatics
  • Fume hoods
  • Laboratory furniture and equipment
Since its very beginning, the company has specialised in manufacturing metal furniture.
Having special functional features:

  • high resistance to fire, moisture and hazardous chemical and biological substances;
  • allowing easy disinfection;
metal furniture is especially useful in medical rooms, which must comply with the strict requirements of industrial and fire safety in view of its intended use.

Our long-standing experience and the continuously improving quality of products enabled us to obtain the  ISO 9001 QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFICATE.

The certificates issued by authorized domestic and foreign institutions confirm the compliance of our products with the regulations and standards in force.

We offer pieces of furniture that can be used in any functional and spatial configuration, so as to meet the customer’s requirements and expectations.

The system allows for the needs of users as regards the quality and chemical resistance of materials and anticorrosion protection.

In addition to complying with the Polish and international standards for laboratory equipment, the system consists of modular and stylistically homogenous enclosing structures.

The laboratory enclosing structures make it possible to construct wall systems, island systems, as well as wall and island ones.
for the development of innovative economy
Project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Found
FABRYKA URZĄDZEŃ LABORATORYJNYCH I MEDYCZNYCH POLON-POZNAŃ Sp. z o.o. | ul. Bułgarska 63/65 | 60-320 Poznań | tel. 61 867 60 81 lub 82 |