Home Cabinets Hanging cabinets


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Hanging cabinets made out of shaped steel sheets, coated with powder epoxide paint, or covered with melamine;  laminated fronts and edges veneered with PVC.

Hanging cabinets have left or right doors, which can be:

  • solid,
  • glazed.
Hanging cabinets are equipped with:

  • steel self-closing hinges,
  • handles made of corrosion-resistant steel.
The structure of metal cabinets ensures their rigidness.

Standard dimensions of hanging cabinets:

width – 300 mm, 600 mm,
depth – 220 mm or 300 mm (metal cabinets),
300 mm (melamine cabinets).

for the development of innovative economy
Project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Found
FABRYKA URZĄDZEŃ LABORATORYJNYCH I MEDYCZNYCH POLON-POZNAŃ Sp. z o.o. | ul. Bułgarska 63/65 | 60-320 Poznań | tel. 61 867 60 81 lub 82 |