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Frameless workstations

Frameless workstations are an economical solution, guaranteeing usefulness and high quality for a reasonable price.

Depending on the customer’s needs, they can be installed as island or wall versions, with or without installation attachments. The wall version may feature wall top mountings, instead of attachments, for fixing shelves, cabinets, and draining boards. Cabinets on legs are the basic elements of a frameless workstation, ones on which working plates and attachments (if included in the set) are mounted.

The composition of a workstation is selected in such a way as to meet each customer’s needs.

for the development of innovative economy
Project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Found
FABRYKA URZĄDZEŃ LABORATORYJNYCH I MEDYCZNYCH POLON-POZNAŃ Sp. z o.o. | ul. Bułgarska 63/65 | 60-320 Poznań | tel. 61 867 60 81 lub 82 |